Institutional and Affiliate Members

  • What are Institutional and Affiliate Members?

    Institutional Members are personnel employed by educational institutions of higher education in the State of Texas. Persons with facilities/Physical Plant management, supervisory or professional level responsibility within the institution belonging to this association, shall be institutional members. Institutional members are eligible to vote, may hold elective office and must pay regular dues.

    Affiliate members are other personnel employed at member institutions, or professional physical plant personnel at other educational institutions (such as Independent School Districts), who are engaged in work related to physical plant administration and have an interest in the professional activities of TAPPA. Affiliate members are eligible to vote, may not hold elective office, and must pay regular dues.

  • Institutional & Affiliate Membership Dues

    TAPPA’s Dues for the Institutional and Affiliate Membership are included in the Conference Registration Fee.

  • Paid TAPPA Membership Dues entitles you to:

    • Lists of experts and resources to assist your efforts
    • Conference Scholarships (One application must be submitted per campus institution and a representative must be present at the annual Conference Banquet)
    • Access to conference education and continuing ed sessions
    • Ongoing access to best practices and statewide news
    • Professional networking opportunities
    • Lists of colleagues/counterparts in Texas Educational Organizations, including universities, junior/community colleges and 4-year colleges.

For any questions regarding membership, please contact: or call 512-580-5001